Wednesday, November 2, 2016

What I Have Learned In College

The best thing that I have learned in college would have to be the importance of organization in your work. Whether it is organization in papers or being able to keep track of all the homework assignments that I have done, organization is a huge key in being a successful student. How would I be able to study for a class if I keep losing all of my study materials? How can I write a good paper if my ideas are not organized? The key to being a good student is being able to be organized.
            I have also learned how not to be a “yes man” while in college. My freshman year I was part of the BSM, Wesley, Vice President of Texas Tech for CASA, Paradigm, and intermural sports. I did not know how to say no to people, and it had an impact on my personal life. My sleep patterns were not amazing my freshman year. Then came sophomore year, and I quit all but Paradigm (the college ministries of First Baptist Lubbock). I learned that the more I did, the less attention I could give to the activities I was participating in. Saying “no” is not always a bad thing.
            I also learned in college that there are some things worth skipping class for. Now this probably makes me sound like a terrible student, but I would like to mention that I have only missed six classes in my college experience. Freshman year a friend could be in the hospital and I would still be in class. As I have gone through college, I have missed classes to help friends who are having car trouble or are in the hospital. I have gone through the process of learning that there are some things more important than class. There is an importance in being interruptible. 


  1. These are so true! i completely agree with you on being organized. if i wasnt i would probably lose my mind LOL great post!

  2. Your post presented numerous things that you have learning while being in college, which gave it more of a personality. I am glad that you learned to not be a "yes man" and that it is okay to miss class from time to time. I try to balance my personal life with my school life but this always causes me stress. Missing school for personal days or friends is a part of my plan to stay sane in college. :) great post.
